What are your work hours and availability?
Do you charge for STAT reports?
What is Altos’s
pricing methodology?
The price for transcription services depends on a number of factors, which include level of customization required, complexity of editing and formatting, use of templates, and volume of work.
What is a Billable transcribed line defined as?
Line counting for transcriptions is calculated by using an automated tool similar to the "Word Count tool" in Microsoft Word. We then take that character count and divide it by 60 (which is the average character in a line)
What is a character?
It is any typed letter, number, space, punctuation mark, apostrophe, quote, etc. Characters that you cannot really see (like spaces or carriage returns) are represented internally in the text document and are counted. Multiple spaces are counted as single spaces.
How do Graphics, headers and footers affect the billable Line Count?
Altos, Inc. does Not charge for Graphics. Headers and footers, although will appear on every page, will only be counted once
Contact us, we will develop a customized proposal for your specific needs!
How Does Altos Send & Receive Work?
Main Office:
1691 Browning, Irvine, CA 92606
Mailing address:
14252 Culver Dr., # 836, Irvine, CA 92604
Phone: (949) 630-0500
Fax No: (949) 630-0499
Email: info@altosinc.com